Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Gift

The goal of this project is to learn a forgotten skill for making something (gift)
I have a friend that I have known his skill of Chinese brush painting. When I first approach to him I thought that Chinese brush painting will not be that hard but when he started to teach me I felt that this kind of painting was way too complicated. I have to start with learning how to hold the brush. Then practicing different kind of strokes. Learning the paper because it spread the ink quicker unlike the normal papers. After hours of practicing I decided to make the final piece. The making of the final piece take a lot of courage because I only get one chance. I was nervous the whole time and i knew there was no erasing and I have to "get it right".

Mapping Assignment part 3 INVERVENTION

The goal of this part of assignment is to create an art intervention that strive to engage and interact. I choose to do an intervention in the IMA because my project is mainly based on that location. I wanted to do something fun so I decided to dress up in formal clothing and "work out" in IMA. I noticed that when I dress up in formal clothing I catch people's attentions immediately people wondering what I am doing. A few people came up to me and ask me about my purpose. When i tried to play basketball with someone people first started not taking me seriously they thought i was trolling. In my project I wanted to see how different clothing can affect sport itself. I also noticed that after a while people started to care less about what I wear and started to focus more on the game. In conclusion, different cloth dose draw attention in a short period of time but it will not effect the activity for long. The "fun" part of sport will come after the surprise.

Below is the video of this art intervention

I choose video to document my assignment is because it can catches individual and also other people's impression at the same time.   

Monday, December 2, 2013

Mapping Assignment part 2

After the research I have done, finally I decided to use a map to represent the happiness in IMA. After I decided what I wanted to do I went to IMA everyday after that so record where people smile the most and where people don't smile at all. In the finally project, I use the view pictures taken from the second floor to shape the building. I wanted to use real smile from real people in IMA to represent the happiness but unfortunately I could not have enough pictures so I decided to cut smiley faces from magazine.  My map shows where there are smiles and where there is no smile. 
I took some picture of my final map but unfortunately lost the memory card.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Map Research

For the Map project I decided that I will be mainly focusing on the IMA. Before to start doing the project I need to research the place so I decided to go there and "feel" the place. IMA area feels really busy during weekend, streets are busy during weekdays mostly traveled by students and staffs. The place feels like outside of the campus and it is next to the stadium so it must be sport related. The IMA itself has modern design. There are huge windows all around the second floor which i found it very interesting. IMA is a gym. It is a great area to work out. Better than the LA fitness. free for UW students. After my visit I wanted to use my view from second floor to shape the building of IMA (I love the views) and then I will be focusing on where the fun is happening (where people smile) and the smell of IMA in different locations.

Michelle Swineheart

Michelle Swineheart Came to our class today. She said she had bee studying communication for a long time and she developed a strategy called 30 min speed dating game. Given a topic each student had to talk non stop for 1 min and other student will have to listen only. I was really nervous at the beginning but later on when I get use to it I became confident and my talking became more organized. She also told us that when we interview with stranger we need to find questions that are common and interesting. Me and MEE decided to use Food as our topic because we think that Food is very common and the interviewee will be willing to talk. Like what we expected the interviewee goes on and on and I found the interview was very interesting. It was really for bot the interviewers and the interviewee to keep the conversation going.    

Assignment #2 Complaint Choir

In this project I have learned to use a video camera and edit bot the audio and video. Editing was hard for me because I have no experience of editing at all. With the instruction from the teacher and help from other student I am now familiar with importing clips, cutting footage, use repetition, change of speed and split channels. I believe this project is to teach our how to use video camera and edit video so later on we can use the skill we learn to complete other project. The project was really fun everyone had different style and mine's was lazy style. I slowed down "I am so tired" and used it as the background sound. The file of the video file is too big that I cant upload on the blog. I believe the file is still in the class folder.

Fryer Art Museum

The class went to Frye Art Museum and saw Buster Simpson’s exhibition. I have not go to a art museum for a long time so I was really exciting. Most of Simpson's works were base on social and environmental issue. My favorite one is the "Electric Black Fish" (I forgot the exact name) this art piece gave me a strong feeling that our wastes (pollution) are hurting back ourselves. We eat the sick fish and its like a cycle. The more we pollute the worse our health will become. 

Assignment 1

The assignment is to create a story that is 50% real and 50% fictional. The pictures we use have to be the ones in the class picture poll. When forming the story I had to first pick the pictures and think about how the pictures can represent an interesting event of my life. Since the story does not have to be "all" true and we have a large number of pictures to select so the project overall is not that hard. We doing the project, I also need to decide which events were "ok" to share with other and which ones were not .


Assignment 1 Picture Gathering

The assignment is pick a place that you know really well and take some interesting pictures in that place. Also pick a location that you are not familiar and really wanted to explore then go to that place and take pictures. I pick the game area under HUB as my “favorite" location. I go there almost everyday after lunch to hang out with my friends. I love the bowling alley and the gaming room. I think not many people know the existing of the area so I took some picture of gaming room and bowling alley. 

Because of the limited time we had I did not get to go to the places I wanted to explore. But I we to my partner's familiar place which is Odegaard. Here are some pictures I took when I was in the Odegaard.

Banner Project

Banner project is the first mini project we done in this class. This project got me into thinking about art. The banners we make had almost no monetary value but even thought they were considered as art pieces. The banners we make unlike any art paintings the community interact with them. The role of these banners are to setup a situation that I don't really know when interaction will happen. The project will be complete when people respond to it.

Social practice seems to create situation or even with people interact with it.

Interview and Conversation

Interview and Conversation are very different. 2 weeks ago i came up 10 questions about soccer and been told to have a conversation with someone. The conversation turned out to be like a Q&A. This is because the person I had conversation with had almost no idea about the sport soccer. The question I asked did not attract her interests. The conversation died out and it was really dry and boring. This week, we learned more about conversation. I learned that to able to have a good conversation, it is often better to ask something that is common and familiar to everyone. Our group chose food and when we start our conversation it immediately attract the person's interests. The conversation goes on and on smoothly. 


Word Map from conversation:

Pho, I Like, Um, food, Asian food, restaurant, take time, (greeting someone during interview)