Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mapping Assignment part 3 INVERVENTION

The goal of this part of assignment is to create an art intervention that strive to engage and interact. I choose to do an intervention in the IMA because my project is mainly based on that location. I wanted to do something fun so I decided to dress up in formal clothing and "work out" in IMA. I noticed that when I dress up in formal clothing I catch people's attentions immediately people wondering what I am doing. A few people came up to me and ask me about my purpose. When i tried to play basketball with someone people first started not taking me seriously they thought i was trolling. In my project I wanted to see how different clothing can affect sport itself. I also noticed that after a while people started to care less about what I wear and started to focus more on the game. In conclusion, different cloth dose draw attention in a short period of time but it will not effect the activity for long. The "fun" part of sport will come after the surprise.

Below is the video of this art intervention

I choose video to document my assignment is because it can catches individual and also other people's impression at the same time.   

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